martes, 13 de febrero de 2007

We Media Miami conclusions (III): Entering the Web 3.0

Due to deep changes in technology triggered by open source software and new collaborative media we a defining what some already call the Web 3.0.
As Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams define it in their recently published Wikinomics:
“ This new participation has reached a tipping point where new forms of mass collaboration are changing how goods and serviced are invented, produced, marketed and distributed on a global basis. This change presents far-reaching opportunities for every company and every person that gets connected.”
"MySpace, YouTube, Linux and Wikipedia – today’s exemplars of mass collaboration- are just beginning..."
In their book they go on to describe seven unique forms of peer production that are making the economy more dynamic and productive, and we will discuss more about this in future posts.
But what they affirm in the quoted test is true it is just the beginning of an incredible revolution in of mass collaboration.
My-Wi-Li-You is my aphorism to describe these four revolutionary first entrants to the Wikinomics era, the Fords, the Bells, Sears and Procter’s of this century.
Following with the WE Media Miami conclusions, a new question arises: when the audience, this new participative individual take the overall control of the web and the true Web is born, the Web 3.0, a Web that requires identity, true collaboration and commitment, will “Mywiliyou” survive???.

Jason Pontin, editor in chief and publisher of the MIT's Technology Review, is skeptical about YouTube, “it has not become a journalistic media”
He affirms that Splashcast, recently reviewed, is the “coolest” concept, and will probably challenge YouTube/Google to adapt the concept of user-generated video.
He also states that Blinkxs will revolutionize search video content. Searching text is easy since you can identify words, but searching for video content has been impossible to now. “Blinkx lets you find what you want in video”.

MySpace will evolve with adolescence usage, and as their participants grow up in social media and the Millennials get their fist job, or go to college, MySpace grow out of puberty and probably a new and different MySpace more aligned to the new times will grab the youngsters attention. It is difficult to keep leadership when the audience has the control, as we have seen with MTV, which is paying the consequence of entering adulthood.

1 comentario:

Marshall Kirkpatrick dijo...

Ernesto, thanks for the link to the SplashCast review, etc. I hope you'll get a chance to check it out.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Director of Content